10 Tips For Writing SEO Friendly Content (Part 1)
SEO friendly content is content that is definitely desirable by every blog owners. The logic is simple, in order to your content can reach more users, you must be diligent to promote your content. And if you want your content to be reached by many users from search engines, write SEO friendly content then!
" What should I do in order to create SEO friendly content that can keep users and search engines happy?
If it?s a question that you pointed out in your mind, maybe you are a lucky person because you are now reading one article that will solve that problem for you.
In this article, you will find some important things that you should know about how to write good blog posts, loved by your readers and at the same time favored by the search engines as well. Okay, here they are:
Tip #1: Make Sure Your Content Original, Unique and Informative
Although I say unique and original content, it doesn?t mean you have to write a piece of content that was never said by other people before. You may get inspiration from other people?s content that you think useful, but don?t try to duplicate it mostly the same.
" One of the mistakes many bloggers do is copy content from a website, publish it in their own and add a link back to the original source. Adding a link back to the original source doesn?t make your content unique!
Matt Cutts said that duplicate contents do happen and 25-30% of all content on the internet is duplicated. However, it doesn?t mean you can duplicate other people?s content.
The point is your content should provide added value to your readers and duplicate content will not give that kind of thing.
In addition to be original and unique, Google doesn?t need blogs that are not able to answer questions from it?s users, they will not index that kind of web page, let alone give them rank.
What they need is a web page that makes their users happy and satisfied with the information offered.
Regarding with this, I recently read a great post by Enstine Muki which discusses about the other side of how to get traffic properly.
The great points are your initial goals are not looking for a lot of traffic, but try to solve the people?s problems, that way the traffic will come to you naturally.
So, from now on you have to create a content that can solve the problem of your readers. If you have not been able to solve many problems at once, at least, try to solve the problems of one people first. :)
" How do I ensure that my content is unique?
Personally, I use a premium copyscape account to check the uniqueness of my content. It allows you to see the text you enter is unique or a duplicate one. If you find your content is duplicate, try to change it in some parts to get 100% unique content.
Tip #2: Make A List Of Keywords And Key Phrases For Your Content
Keywords or key phrases are the words or combination of words that is used by users to find the information they need.
" Then, what exactly is the difference of keywords and key phrases?
To make it simple, I will give an example to distinguish between those two things. If you create an article about lose weight, then the key phrase are ?lose weight fast? or ?healthy diet to lose weight,? and the keywords are ?lose weight? or ?diet.?
It?s important for you to make a list of keywords or key phrases of your content, because as you know that search engine spiders are sent out to any web page to analyze the quality of their content.
And at the same time, they also register the key phrases or keywords to determine what topics were discussed of a web page.
If the keywords you use can represent your content well, then the search engine spiders will be happy with it. The online presence of your content will be stronger and congrats! You?ve just created an SEO friendly content. ;)
Tip #3: Optimize Your Post Headlines
Determining a good post headline is very important. The term ?finish all of your business before writing your post title? appears to assert that the post title is indeed important.
And in fact, there are many reasons that make it important though.
Besides being one of the crucial on-page SEO factors, well-structured post title could be a way for you to get more readers, to convince the user to click and read your content, convince subscribers to open your email and give a boost to the advertiser to advertise on your web page.
" So, how to choose a post title that satisfies the above criteria?
Here some tips about how to create the right blog post headline:
- Find out what topics that people want to know by doing your own keyword research.
- Use Google or other search engines, such as Bing and Yahoo to find inspiration in order to create an appropriate title. Don?t forget to take note keyword suggestions that appear when you type your keywords in the search box. It?s your asset in creating SEO friendly content.
- Try to build the best post title structure based on the two methods above. In order to reach more users, make the title as attractive as possible that could give a boost to the user to click and get your content.
- Try to make your post titles less than 70 characters.
NB: There are some tips that you should know when write great headlines for your blog posts. Take some time to learn how to write great headlines.
Well, I didn?t expect it will end up with only one post. There is so much that must be discussed when dealing with it.
So, I will continue these tips in my next post about SEO friendly content. Thanks for reading.
In the mean time, what things do you know in writing SEO friendly content?
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