5 Tips to Write Good Blog Posts
I?m sure, everyone knows that one key to success in blogging is to create great content for your readers. The content that?s not only solves the reader?s problem, but also content that provides value to your readers as well.
" How to create posts that can attract readers?
Moreover, how to make the readers keep interested to visit my blog?
If such questions often arise in your mind, then you?re reading the right article. This article will discuss about tips on how to create posts that can make your readers come back to visit your website.
Discover and follow these 5 tips to enable you to create articles that are not only well read, but also make your readers coming back and back again for sure. Here they are:
1. Determine The Right Writing Style
All you have to do before writing blog posts is to determine who exactly your audiences. I mean, you create an article based on what? Who do you expect to read it?
You must determine the readers? expectations when making posts. If possible, give more benefits than they expected. You can determine your writing style accordingly. Once you get a writing style that is most appropriate for your blog, be consistent with it.
2. Stop List Links
I often find content that just tell the readers to click the links to the desired content. For me, it was troublesome. Usually, I just closed it immediately.
As a blogger, I understand that blogging is very time-consuming activity. If your blog is filled with many articles, then sometimes there is a temptation to just make list links that require the readers to follow the link to the other content, either the content from your own blog, as well as from other sources.
Don?t get trapped with such thoughts. In fact, the readers don?t want to follow the bread traces that you leave to them. They want more than that. They want to hear something from you; they want you to lead them in getting something interesting to read. Yes, they want you and your blog.
However, if you really want to create list links content, make sure you add your views and context on those links.
" Remember, links without context is a simple way to lose readers rather than retain them.
3. Be Honest
In your opinion, which one is preferred by many people, an honest person or someone with pretenses?
Well, of course everyone likes honest people, it?s no doubt. And, as well as with posts. Blogs that are filled with the honest articles is well-liked by the readers. Even though, they never met you in person, but they will feel close to you.
In other words, you have to show your personality in each of your posts, as I explained in my previous post.
" Remember, an important aspect to a blog?s success is the community that develops around it
4. Write in Short Paragraphs
Things you need to know are most readers will skim your web page first before reading the text entirely. You can ease them by providing a good visual relief for them. Write your article in short paragraphs and avoid heavy text pages.
" One paragraph with no more than 2-3 sentences is a safe rule.
5. Provide Attribution
Be careful not to be accused of plagiarism by copying content from other sites. If you find good content from other sites and want to publish it on your website, then give credit to the site by providing a link back to the source site.
Well, that?s it! 5 tips to write good blog posts. But, in order to be able to follow these tips, you also need to have good writing skills, right?
" So, what about your writing skills?
If you are still unsure about your writing skills, then I will give you some tips that can improve your writing skills for sure. So, check these simple tips.
- Write effectively!
- Do your best to create a great content. Don?t be lazy!
- Distraction is a sign of a great work. Stay focused no matter what!
- Write what deserves to be written. Avoid junk content!
- Straighten your intentions :)
So, what tips you use in order to write blog posts that makes readers interested?
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how to write effective blog posts,tips on blog writing
Posted in Blogging Tips | Tags: Blogging Tips, Create Blog Posts, Good Writing Skills, How To Improve Writing Skills Tips, How To Write Good Blog Post, Increase Your Writing Skills, Right Writing Style For You, Tips To Write Blog Posts, Write Better Blog Posts, Write Good Blog Posts, Writing Skills Tips
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